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Long-time storage of song types in birds: evidence from interactive playbacks.




In studies of birdsong learning, imitation-based assays of stimulus memorization do not take into account that tutored song types may have been stored, but were not retrieved from memory. Such a 'silent' reservoir of song material could be used later in the bird's life, e.g. during vocal interactions. We examined this possibility in hand-reared nightingales during their second year. The males had been exposed to songs, both as fledglings and later, during their first full song period in an interactive playback design. Our design allowed us to compare the performance of imitations from the following categories: (i) songs only experienced during the early tutoring; (ii) songs experienced both during early tutoring and interactive playbacks; and (iii) novel songs experienced only during the simulated interactions. In their second year, birds imitated song types from each category, including those from categories (i) and (ii) which they had failed to imitate before. In addition, the performance of these song types was different (category (ii) > category (i)) and more pronounced than for category (iii) songs. Our results demonstrate 'silent' song storage in nightingales and point to a graded influence of the time and the social context of experience on subsequent vocal imitation.
机译:在鸟鸣学习的研究中,基于模仿的刺激记忆分析没有考虑到可能已经存储了辅导的歌曲类型,但没有从记忆中检索出该类型。这种“沉默的”歌曲材料存储库可以在鸟的生活中稍后使用,例如在声音互动中。我们在第二年人工饲养的夜莺中研究了这种可能性。在互动播放设计的第一首完整歌曲期间,这些雄性在初次接触时就接触过雏鸟和后来的歌曲。我们的设计使我们可以比较以下类别的模仿表现:(i)仅在早期辅导中经历过的歌曲; (ii)在早期辅导和互动播放中经历过的歌曲; (iii)仅在模拟互动过程中经历的新颖歌曲。在第二年,鸟类模仿了每个类别的歌曲类型,包括以前没有模仿的类别(i)和(ii)的歌曲类型。另外,这些歌曲类型的表现是不同的(类别(ii)>类别(i)),并且比类别(iii)的歌曲更明显。我们的研究结果表明夜莺的歌曲存储是“无声的”,并指出时间和体验的社会背景对随后的声音模仿的分级影响。



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